Our team of the Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Eucharistic are a dedicated group of people. They assist in the distribution of the Holy Communion during the Holy Mass, and bring Communion to the seniors at the Village of Winston Park and the Chartwell Westmount and other homebound parishioners.
Every first Wednesday we celebrate either Holy Mass or Holy Communion Service at the Village of Winston Park and the Chartwell Westmount.
Legion of Mary members leads Rosary prayer at each of our the residences, - First Saturday, Winston Park at 10:30 a.m. - Third Saturday, Chartwell - Westmount at 11:00 a.m.
Please consider these remarks before calling priest to the a sick person:
You can schedule a PASTORAL VISIT FOR A SICK by a priest/deacon/minister respectively with the Sacrament of Anointing and/or Confession and/or Holy Communion. We recommend scheduling such a visit for a palliative care patient in advance when there are signs of deteriorating health. Please notice that we may not be able to respond right away to an emergency call. Also, weekends are the busiest times in the church when the priest is not able to answer sick calls. We suggest scheduling a visit on weekdays from Tuesday to Friday. Sacraments in long-term care homes can be scheduled when the priest visits for the Holy Mass once a month. When scheduling a visit please be advised that a sick person’s consent to receive the sacraments is necessary. We cannot assume that someone on a sick bed wants to see a priest. When admitted to one of our area hospitals patients are provided emergency care in danger of death, you can inquire about this with the nurse. In other cases, it is recommended that you ask the hospital staff to make the call to the patient’s home parish and schedule the visit.We are working on resuming our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communionhome visits but meanwhile we also allow a household member to take Holy Communion to the sick person at home, after appropriate training. Please contact the sacristan or our office to inquire about this option.
Sacrament of Anointing for the Sick is no longer called “The Last Rites”. This Sacrament and its prayers are meant to bring relief and comfort to the suffering person who needs to feel Jesus’ healing presence and the embrace of the Community’s prayers. The sacrament is administered to a living person but not after death. We are preparing for the moment of death through our regular religious practices, frequent Confession, Sunday Holy Mass and Eucharist.
In case of death please contact the funeral homefirst to start planning the ceremonies. While scheduling the date and time for the funeral please allow some flexibility as our church calendar is often busy. If you would like to invite a guest clergy, you need the pastor’s permission. Clergy from outside of the Hamilton Diocese need special permission from the Chancery. Catholic Funeral Rites can be celebrated in the church or at the funeral home or by the graveside, depending on the circumstances. There are the same Funeral Rites connected with the Holy Mass or with the Liturgy of the Word and can be officiated by a priest or a deacon respectively. May Mary the Help of the Sick intercede for all our unwell and homebound parishioners.