"When the Church comes together in the liturgical assembly to celebrate the Mass, or any other sacrament, her members do not gather simply as a crowd, as an amorphous, undifferentiated group of people. They gather in a variety of ministries and roles." (USCCB)
"There are roles in the liturgy which are exercised by lay people who place their time and talent at the service of the liturgical assembly as acolytes (altar servers), lectors, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, cantors, choir members, instrumentalists, leaders of song and ushers. Others contribute their time and talent to planning and organizing the liturgy, to keeping the church and the vestments, vessels and appointments clean and well-ordered or to providing decorations that reflect the spirit of the liturgical feast or season." (USCCB)
"The liturgy, then, is about the action of God's own people, each with different offices and roles, each office and role, from that of bishop and priest to that of usher and sacristan, one of service, not of privilege, a mirror of Christ who washed the feet of his disciples and instructed his followers to imitate his example of service." (USCCB)
ALTAR SERVERS. The altar servers help the Priest throughout the liturgy. Anyone who has received their First Holy Communion and is trained can be an altar server.
USHERS/MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY. The ushers and greeters meet and greet people in a welcoming manner as they arrive at the church. Frequently they hand out hymnals and notices so that people feel welcome and prepared for Mass. They help for the collection and offertory procession.
READERS OF THE WORD OF GOD. The readers play an important role in the Liturgy of the Word as they proclaim and share the Word of God with the people gathered in the church. Readers are mandated by the Bishop upon completing their preparation.
EMHC (Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Communion) assist the Priest to prepare and distribute the Holy Communion to the people during the Liturgy of the Eucharist. They also take Holy Communion to the homebound and sick. They are mandated by the Bishop upon completing their preparation course.
MUSIC MINISTRY. Music ministry consists of instrumentalists, organists, pianists, cantors, choir members. There is a junior choir and choirs that support congregation is singing at particular liturgies.
CHILDREN'S LITURGY OF THE WORD. This is a special time during the Holy mass when children JK - G4 walk out for their breaking of the Word. Currently we have this liturgy at 10:00 a.m. and 11:45 a.m. Sunday Holy Mass
Please notice that members of all ministries must be registered parishioners and depending on the ministry they will be asked to submit a screening form, as per the Diocesan Policy, to ensure everyone's safety.
If you would like to join any of the above ministries please submit the form below: