Dear Children, Parents/Guardians, It is time and you can make your First Holy Confession and receive your First Holy Communion. We accept the registration of students from Grade 2 or older children who missed their opportunity for some reason in the previous years. Every candidate must be baptized. What an exciting time to receive the greatest gift ever - the Holy Communion! This is Jesus himself, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. In the Sacrament of Reconciliation (also called Confession or Penance), you will meet God, who is merciful and forgiving. You will learn that no matter how big or small your sins are, God is always ready to receive you, listen to you, and forgive, reconciling you to Himself and other people. God will also give you the grace to do better. Dear Parents and Guardians, as the Parish Community, we pledge to support you in helping your child (children) grow in faith and love for Jesus, our Lord. The best way to prepare a child for First Holy Communion is by regularly attending Sunday Holy Mass with your child. No teaching will replace this in-person experience. You can choose from several weekend Holy Mass liturgies. There is a special Children’s Liturgy during 10:00 a.m. and 11:45 a.m. Holy Mass for children in Grade JK to Grade 4, but you can attend any of the weekend Masses. Even though the children cannot receive Holy Communion yet, they are encouraged to come forward for a blessing with crossed arms. This will help them prepare for the day when they finally receive their first Holy Communion. You can find the Registration Form on our website, www.bskchurch.ca or ask for a copy from our office. You must submit the registration before or on the day of the Orientation Meeting, either February 20th or 24th. Fill out a separate form for each child. Include a copy of the Baptismal Certificate with the Registration Form if the child was baptized not at Blessed Sacrament Parish. If your child hasn’t been baptized yet, please get in touch with the office as soon as possible. Please see the list of important dates and mark your calendars! There will be no alternative dates available. We will provide additional information and instructions to those who register before every event. We thank you and look forward to walking with your child toward receiving their First Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion. Father Luke Kopaniak Blessed Sacrament Pastor |
Sessions for Students and Parents (if you can’t attend your session, come to the other) Submitting registration forms. (See below.) - Option 1: Tue, Feb 20 @7 p.m. Holy Mass and Meeting (St. Josephine, Blessed Sacrament) - Option 2: Sat, Feb 24, @6 p.m. Meeting and Holy Mass (John Sweeney, OLO Grace, M. Haller) -------------------------- (GROUP A: Josephine Bakhita (GROUP B: John Sweeney, Others GROUP C: Blessed Sacrament, Monsignor Haller, Our Lady OG -------------------------- MINI STUDY PROGRAM Location: Parish Center (Downstairs), Saturday at 6:00 pm, followed by Holy Mass at 7 pm. Every child must attend with parent(s)/guardian(s). Please observe extra caution in the parking lot. Children will be divided into two groups, meeting on Tuesday one week and Saturday the next. - Date - Theme - Mar 2 - SUNDAY IS SPECIAL - Mar 9 - THE WORD OF GOD - Mar 16 - THE EUCHARIST - Mar 23 - GOD’S FAMILY - Apr 6 - FORGIVENESS AND HEALING - Apr 13 - MY FIRST RECONCILIATION We use excerpts from the BLESSED Program by DYNAMIC CATHOLIC, a free resource for students, parishes, and schools. https://www.dynamiccatholic.com/plus/blessed-seasons.html, FIRST CONFESSION Location: Church - Sat, Apr 20, @10:30 a.m. 2024 (GROUP A) - Sat, Apr 20, @10:45 a.m. 2024 (GROUP B) - Sat, Apr 20, @11:00 a.m. 2024 (GROUP C) FIRST COMMUNION REHEARSAL Location: Church - Thu, May 2, @5:30 p.m. 2024 (GROUP A) - Thu, May 2, @6:15 p.m. 2024 (GROUP B) - Thu, May 2, @7:00 p.m. 2024 (GROUP C) FIRST COMMUNION MASS - Sat, May 4, @10 a.m. 2024 (GROUP A: Josephine Bakhita) - Sat, May 4, @12 p.m. 2024 (GROUP B: John Sweeney, Others) - Sat, May 4, @2 p.m. 2024 (GROUP C: Blessed Sacrament, Monsignor Haller, Our Lady OG) |