Dear Children, Parents/Guardians, The time has come! You can now register your child to make their First Holy Confession and receive their First Holy Communion. We welcome students in Grade 2 or older children who may have missed this opportunity in previous years. Please note that every candidate must be baptized. The best way to prepare your child for their First Holy Communion is by attending Sunday Holy Mass together. No lesson can replace the beauty and depth of this in-person experience. Our parish offers several weekend Holy Mass liturgies, including a special Children’s Liturgy during the 10:00 a.m. and 11:45 a.m. Holy Masses for children in JK through Grade 4. Your child is welcome to attend any weekend Mass, and even though they cannot yet receive Holy Communion, they are encouraged to come forward for a blessing with crossed arms. This practice helps them prepare for the day they receive Jesus for the first time in Holy Communion. Important Notes: Children will receive their First Holy Communion during Sunday Holy Mass this year, joining the entire Church Community beginning April 26. To ensure proper preparation, children will be divided into small groups based on preferences and availability, which we will finalize after receiving all registrations, by mid March, 2025. We invite children and their parents to participate in a six-session mini-study program to deepen their understanding of the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion.
No workbooks are required, but we strongly encourage you to attend the 7:00 p.m. Holy Mass that follows or another Sunday Mass. We thank you for entrusting us with this important step in your child’s spiritual journey. Our Parish Community looks forward to walking with your family toward receiving the beautiful Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion. Father Luke Kopaniak Blessed Sacrament Pastor |
Session for Students and Parents, - Tuesday, January 21 at 6 p.m. Meeting followed by Holy Mass at 7 p.m. REGISTRATION BEGINS NOW --> Tuesday, February 11 (End of registration) Please complete s separate from for each child. Registration is available only via our website (see below) and requires scan of baptismal certificate. -> DON'T FORGET YOUR EMAIL & PHONE NUMBER. If your child is not baptized, please contact our Pastoral Minister or the Parish Office as soon as possible. MINI STUDY PROGRAM Location: Parish Center (Downstairs), Saturday at 6:00 pm, followed by Holy Mass at 7 pm. Every child must attend with parent(s)/guardian(s). Please observe extra caution in the parking lot. - Date - Theme - Feb 22 – SUNDAY IS SPECIAL - Mar 1 – THE WORD OF GOD - Mar 15 – THE EUCHARIST - Mar 22 – GOD’S FAMILY - Mar 29 – FORGIVENESS AND HEALING - Apr 5 – GET READY! We use excerpts from the BLESSED Program by DYNAMIC CATHOLIC, a free resource for students, parishes, and schools. https://www.dynamiccatholic.com/plus/blessed-seasons.html, FIRST CONFESSION - Saturday (one or two weeks) before your First Holy Communion FIRST COMMUNION MASS - Saturday and Sunday during regular parish Holy Mass in small groups as scheduled, beginning April 26, 2025 |